40 Days of Prayer: Day 3

40 Days of Prayer 2020.jpg


Remember our train analogy from Watchman Nees book? Prayer is like laying the tracks for the train. Our main theme has been out of Ephesians 6:18; look at the first part of the verse; "With all prayer and petition pray at all times in the Spirit”. As we pray, our prayers should be for many different things and continuously. There are times we pray specifically, but I don't know about you, but I find myself expanding my prayers to other things as the Holy Spirit leads. But in doing so, don't be complacent, don't pray weak prayers. The enemy wants to distract us and weaken our prayers. Sometimes in my prayer time, I am distracted, that is the enemy, seeking to devour us.

1 Peter 5:8 Be of sober spirit, be on the alert. Your adversary, the devil, prowls around like a roaring lion, seeking someone to devour.

I love the example the Lords prayer sets Matthew 6:13a; lead us not into temptation, but deliver us from evil. 

We can ask God for help and to rebuke the enemy… talk about a relief! And the Blood of Jesus, takes care of ALL the work of the enemy. Prayer is hard work. Thats why I loved the praying hands graphic we used last year for the 40 days of prayer. They reminded me of my grandpas hands as he worked as a mechanic. If we want to accomplish anything, we cannot be lazy. Your hands are going to get dirty. Do the work. If Railroad tracks are not laid correctly, the train will derail. Dont let the devil derail your prayers. 

This years graphic, is a human heart. What is at the heart of your prayers? In your time of prayer I challenge you to stay focused. Dig in. What or who do we pray for? What does your day look like? Who will you interact with? Family, friends, co-wrokers, what about the waiter or waitress? Someone going on a trip? Pray that all goes well, that they make their connections and that their luggage arrives with them. Pray for the place he will be staying and all whom he will interact with. Rely on the Holy Spirit and pray boldly. Pray for your leaders, teachers and pastors. 

I would agree with Watchman Nee as he says that genuine followers of Christ MUST pray. As we pray, God works in and through us, He works in and through the people and situations we pray for. God desires that we pray, so as the Holy Spirit brings someone or something to mind… PRAY. Not just a flippant prayer, but do the work, pay the price. Let it become a habit that you respond in prayer at all times in conversations and situations, at first it will seem difficult, but as a habit, it will get easier. 

Ask God for help praying, ask Him to help you to be faithful in your prayer time. If you are praying and the burden of that prayer does not lift, dig in. Fast and pray until you feel that there is an answer or release. If we can be consistent in our prayer time, we will indeed know and operate in the will of God. God prompts people to pray, He wants to work in and through our lives. Gods will is always looking for a way to be accomplished by His creation. 

Can you imagine what would happen if every genuine follower of Christ would obediently pray as the Holy Spirit prompted? Gods will would be unleashed and many amazing things would be accomplished. 

Prayed for you all this morning! 

Love in Christ, 

Pastor Scott 

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