2 Corinthians 12:8 Concerning this I implored the Lord three times that it might leave me.

There is an interesting thing we see in scripture about taking something to the Lord three times. This doesn’t mean that we are only to pray about something 3 times and then move on. But, in the Garden Jesus asked the Father three times if he could be released from what was about to happen. His prayer was heard and He stopped praying, knowing that he was in Gods will and must fulfill it. 

The Apostle Paul prayed three times that the thorn in his flesh be removed and God answered. 

2 Corinthians 12:9 He has said to me, “My grace is sufficient for you, for power is perfected in weakness.”

So what does this mean for us? It means that we must pray thoroughly for our request, until we know that God has heard us. Because of our flesh and a society that is instant self gratification oriented, we expect a microwave answer to our prayers. Or even a fast food drive through experience. Order and 80 seconds later receive… don’t let your prayer time be governed by that mentality. Genuinely approach God with confidence and a sincere heart, seeking His intervention, what ever that may look like. 

I have said it before, God will always answer your prayers! 

But it may not be the answer that you were anticipating. Just like Paul, Gods grace was sufficient for all he was experiencing or going through. I would also say that as we are meeting together Sunday mornings, Sunday night or mid week at a small group bible study that we should press in a bit as we pray. We used to use the word “Tarry” at altar time prayer, we have forgotten how to do that. It means that we linger in expectation for God to move. It doesn’t mean we drum up emotion or start praying in King James or as the Pharisees prayed. But that we humble ourselves and continue to pray. With the heart desire of knowing Gods will and praying accordingly. Are you burdened for someone or for something? Pray until that burden lifts. It may be 3 times, it may be 10 times, or more. Don’t bounce around your prayers, be intentional, be specific. 

We are not trying to make a new law or regulation about prayer. But recognizing that we need to slow down and pray until the burden is lifted or God answers. Allow the Holy Spirit to work in and through you as you pray, if you do this, its easy to feel the burden or when that burden is lifted. In corporate prayer as the body takes requests before the Lord, we need to be just as sensitive. Two or three may pray over the same request or continue to pray until as a body they feel God has answered or released the burden. 

Praying in one accord, is powerfully unifying for the body of Christ. 

Matthew 18:19-20

“Again I say to you, that if two of you agree on earth about anything that they may ask, it shall be done for them by My Father who is in heaven. For where two or three have gathered together in My name, I am there in their midst.”

Praying as a genuine Spirit Filled believer, with other genuine Spirit filled believers brings great answers! 

Prayed for you all this morning! 

Blessings, Pastor Scott

Scott Morrison