Week 23

Proverbs 4-6

4 - Like Solomon was instructed by David as a child, he instructs his son with

these sayings. Seek wisdom and understanding, and stay away from the ways

of the wicked and deceitful.

5 - To Solomon’s son he says run away from those who would entice you to

evil, and be happy with the wife of your youth. All who waste themselves

following after sinful lusts will regret it in the end.

6 - Avoid guaranteeing the loans of another person, as you will come to regret

it. To avoid poverty, copy the industriousness of the ant, and banish laziness

from your life. The Lord hates the pride of the wicked, who lie and hurt others. It

is just stupid to sin with the spouse of another person, and nothing but pain will

come from it.

Proverbs 7-9

7 - The enticements of the harlot or adulteress have led to the ruin of many


8 - The fear of the Lord is to hate evil and pride, and the ways of the wicked.

Wisdom was with God before creation, and by it great kings reign, and justice is

decreed for all the people.

9 - The simple can benefit greatly by seeking after God’s wisdom. Do not

correct a scoffer, who will only hate you for it, however a wise man will respond

with love to correction. The fear of the Lord is the beginning of wisdom.

Proverbs 10-12

10 - There is much contrast between the righteous and the wicked, between

the sloth and the diligent. The Lord will not forsake the righteous, and the wicked

will not stand forever. The sloth fails to work when opportunity strikes, but the

diligent are faithful to work when the fields are ready.

11 - Both the righteous and the wicked will receive their appropriate rewards.

God will keep His own, and will judge the unrighteous.

12 - The tongue of some people are sharp, like a piercing sword, but the

tongue of the wise promotes health. The wicked tear down what belongs to

others, but the righteous build up.

Proverbs 13-15

13 - In verse 7 Solomon says that one man makes himself wealthy, yet has

nothing, and another makes himself poor, but has great riches. In verse 18 he

says that poverty and shame come upon the one who refuses to be corrected,

but honor will come upon the one who pays attention to correction.

14 - In verse 12 he notes that there is a way that seems right to men’s minds,

but it only leads to death. Those who lack fear of God draw foolish conclusions

from the evidence around them.

15 - A soft answer turns away wrath, but a harsh word stirs up anger. The

wise shares his knowledge, but not so with the fool.

Proverbs 16-18

16 - Commit your plans to the Lord, and they will be established. The Lord

accomplishes everything for His own purpose, and the glory of His own Name.

17 - Many are the unprofitable ways of the one who is foolish, and lacks

discretion. He will suffer for his bad decisions, and bring grief upon those who

raised him.

18 - A fools mouth is his ruin, and is reflected in his desire to be heard, rather

than to learn from others. He cannot help himself from answering, even before

hearing the question. Death and life are equally within the power of the tongue,

and the prudent weighs his words carefully before speaking.

Proverbs 19-21

19 - There are many plans within the hearts of men, however it is the intents

of the Lord that will stand. The fear of the Lord leads to life, and those who fear

Him will not be disappointed.

20 - There is no man who can honestly say that they have made themselves

clean, and purified themselves from sin. Even a child is known by his deeds, and

this is no different for those of all other ages.

21 - The man who only pursues pleasure and riches will suffer in poverty, but

he who follows righteousness and mercy finds life.

Proverbs 22-24

22 - A good name is to be greatly prized among all men, as our integrity and

character are of far greater value than immense wealth. He who is generous will

be blessed.

23 - There is much grief for those who run after sensual pleasures - much

food, alcohol, drugs, ill gotten gains, and immorality. Everything seems

wonderful for a time, but it quickly devolves into pain and poverty.

24 - Live with integrity and mercy, without acting in judgement of your

enemies or evil doers. Do not celebrate when your enemy fails, as the Lord will

see it and be displeased. Fear the Lord and let Him administer justice

Calvary Belmar