Matthew 14:13-36 | Mark 6:31-56 | Luke 9:11-17 | John 6:1-21

When Jesus heard that John the Baptist had been killed, He took His disciples to a deserted place to be alone, but the crowds knew where they were going and went ahead.  When Jesus saw the multitude, He had compassion on them, and began teaching and healing the sick.  At evening time the Disciples told Jesus to send them away, but He said “you feed them”.  They brought Jesus the sack dinner of a child, with 5 rolls and two small fish, and from that the Lord fed some 5,000 men, plus women and children, with 12 baskets of leftovers gathered up.

After everyone had eaten, Jesus sent the crowds away, and forced His disciples to get in a boat without Him, to go over to Capernaum while He went upon the mountain to pray.  Jesus prayed all night, but the disciples worked all night and couldn’t get to land because of wind and waves they were rowing against.  However, Jesus was watching them from afar, and then came walking on the water to them before sunrise.  Jesus knew this storm would hit, but He sent them out without Himself with them, and He was watching them throughout the time He was praying.  This is the same with us, as He leads us into difficult circumstances, and even when it seems like He is far away, He is watching and protecting us.

Calvary Belmar