Luke 10:1-11:36
Among the followers of Jesus, He appointed 70 to go out and preach in the cities of Israel, telling of the coming of God’s kingdom, and He gave them power to heal the sick, and cast out demons. They came back amazed at what was done, but Jesus told them to be amazed that God accepted them.
Jesus tells an expert in the law the story of the good Samaritan, who seemed to understand the requirements of God’s laws (love God and love others), but wanted to know who qualifies as his brother (others). The hated Samaritan was the one who showed mercy, and Jesus told the lawyer to go and do the same.
Jesus gives the disciples an outline for prayer, which echoed what He taught in Matthew 6:9-15, but then emphasizes the importance of persistence in praying. Pray without giving up, and the Lord will answer in a way that is consistent with His love for us.
Jesus then teaches about the domain of demons, and how it is only by the authority of God that they are exercised. But, someone who has been cleansed of demons must fill their life with God’s love and Word, or they are in danger of being repossessed even worse.