Matthew 19:16-20:28 | Mark 10:17-45 | Luke 18:18-34
Jesus tells a rich young man that he can gain much if he sells all and follows Him, with rewards to be had in heaven, but this was a hard thing, and he went away sad. Jesus comments on how hard it is for the rich to enter the kingdom of God, but also that nothing is impossible with God.
Jesus continues in talking about the kingdom of God, and how the economy of God is different, and how the first will be last, and the last will be first when He rewards those who have worked for Him.
Jesus tells His disciples about his imminent death and resurrection, but they do not really hear what He is saying, and they are focused on which of them will be greater in the His kingdom. The mother of James and John tries to get them promoted to the Lord’s right and left hand, but they don’t understand what that will cost, and Jesus tells them it is only the the Province of the Father to determine who will be in those places in the kingdom. It is he who is servant of all that will be greatest in God’s kingdom, and that description fits first with Jesus Himself!