Matthew 21:23-22:14 | Mark 11:27-12:12 | Luke 20:1-19
In the Lord’s final week before the crucifixion, He teaches in the temple, and confronts the Pharisees regarding their guilt in rejecting Him. He tells a story about a highly prized vineyard, but the vineyard workers showed contempt for the owner. This story was a direct quote, and reference to what God said through the prophet in Isaiah 5:1-7, where God says that Judah is His vineyard, and Jesus is telling the Pharisees that they have made themselves enemies of God.
Jesus goes on to tell another story about a great king who scheduled a wedding feast for His Son, but the invited guests showed the king contempt, and refused to attend. The king sends an army to destroy them, and then freely invites any others who will come. This story again told of the unfaithfulness of the Jewish leaders, and how God was going to use their rejection of Him as an opportunity to throw open the doors of welcome to the whole gentile world, which is exactly what happened.