Matthew 9:1-17 | Mark 2:1-22 | Luke 5:17-39

The city of Capernaum was located at the north end of the Sea of Galilee, and very near to the city of Bethsaida.  Capernaum became the headquarters city for Jesus and His disciples, where they went out from during His three years of ministry in Galilee.

Jesus heals a paralytic, and places His call upon Matthew/Levi.  Pharisees complain that Jesus is associating with tax collectors and sinners, but He tells them that it was for the sick and helpless that He came to minister, and not those who considered themselves to be healthy and sin free.  He then makes an analogy about putting new wine in old wineskins, or patching an old garment with new material, saying that both examples will fail, and that He was instituting a new work in the world with all that He was doing.

Calvary Belmar