Galatians 4-6

Paul continues in admonishing the Galatians to stop thinking that they will somehow be judged more holy or righteous because they are embracing legalistic practices in the law of Moses.  He tells them that the people who are convincing them of such nonsense are hypocrites themselves, who do not fully obey the law of Moses, and who only seek to gain power and influence over the Galatians for selfish ends.

The works of the flesh are clearly called out among those people who will not gain the kingdom of heaven, but it is the fruits of the God’s Spirit that become evident in those who belong to Him - Love, joy, peace, longsuffering, gentleness, goodness, kindness, and self-control.  It is these things that are produced in the lives of believers, in whom lives the Spirit of God.  The works of the flesh lead only to destruction and judgement, but eternal life an righteousness await those who have embraced Jesus Christ by faith.

Calvary Belmar