John 14-16
In these three chapters the Lord gives direct instruction to His disciples as He is preparing to be arrested that same night. In them He said clearly that He was going to leave them, but He was not going to leave them alone, because He was going to ask the Father to send His Holy Spirit to abide with them forever. It will be the Lord’s Holy Spirit in them that will enable them to do even more for the Father than Jesus did Himself, speaking about the work they will do as witnesses for Him for the rest of their lives. He said that the Holy Spirit will be given to lead believers into all truth, and for unbelievers He will convict their hearts of sin, and of God’s judgement, so that some might repent and turn to Him.
As they were walking with Jesus from the place they had celebrated His last supper, Jesus instructs them about the critical importance of abiding only in Him. This truth was demonstrated throughout the ministry of Jesus, Who never did anything, except what His Father told Him, and His disciples (including us) must also rely 100% on Him for direction and power to say and do those things He has prepared for us. There is also an expectation for each of us to bear fruit that is pleasing to the Father, which is why we are here, and consistent with Ephesians 2:10, which says that He has prepared in advance many good works for us to do for Him.