Acts 27-28

Paul is handed over to a Centurion (a commander of 100) to be taken to Rome.  They sail from the coast of Israel north, following the Asiatic coastline, however winter is approaching, and the weather is bad.  Against Paul’s advice they continue, and end up spending 2 weeks in a violent storm at sea, and the ship is eventually destroyed near the island of Malta.  God saves all of the men on the ship, which numbered close to 300, and they spent the next 3 month on Malta, waiting for winter to end.  During that time Paul preached the gospel, and many people were healed.

When Spring came, they finished their journey to Rome, and Paul was kept under house arrest for the next two years, chained to a Roman soldier in his own rented quarters.  Paul attempted to preach to the Jews in Rome, and although some were saved, the majority did not believe, so he then focused his preaching on the gentiles.

Tradition has it that after 2 years Paul was released, possibly going to Spain and Britain preaching the gospel, but was eventually sent back to Rome in chains, where he was martyred by being taken outside the city and beheaded. 

Calvary Belmar