Paul’s letter to the church in Colossae was likely written at the same time as he wrote to the Ephesians and Philippians from jail in Rome, and also his letter to Philemon, who lived in this same city. However, like the church in Rome, he was writing to the Colossians as a church that he did not found, as it was likely founded by Epaphroditus. This city was closely associated with the city of Laodicea in Asia Minor, and Paul also wrote a letter to the Laodiceans, which has been lost, and not included in the canon of scripture.
Paul writes that he is thankful to God for the faith of the Colossians, and reinforces for them the basis of salvation for all believers, who have been called an justified by God through faith in Christ Jesus, so long as each person remains in that place of faith. He then writes the remainder of this epistle in describing the character and conduct of those who have been saved. We are instructed to reject false philosophies, and avoid false behaviors that are practiced by carnal christians. All who have been raised to eternal life in Jesus should be focused on things above, rather than on things here below, since even though life is short, eternity is forever. Reject and avoid immoral behavior, as well as impure conversation and lies, but rather adopt (“put on”) the new self that we’ve been given in Christ. Whatever we do should be done with a heart to please our Lord Jesus Christ, and we should become students of His Word, with a heart towards doing what it says, knowing that He will judge our deeds as Christians at the Judgement Seat of Christ.