1 Timothy 4-6 | Titus

He continues with various instructions for leading the church, and dealing with various issues that crop up with the people.  He said that there will be horrible times in the last days, with evil multiplying in every direction, which we see getting worse and worse in our own time.  He instructs Timothy on leading with widows in the church, and which of them should be financially helped, versus which should remarry or go to work.  He also talks about believing slaves and servants, and how those who serve must do so as working directly for Jesus.  Those who strive to be rich suffer many things, as the love of money is a root of all kinds of evil.  The wealthy need to learn humility and service, doing good things in service to Christ Jesus.

Titus was another of Paul’s disciples and trusted representative, who ministered much to the Corinthian church, and who carried letters between them and Paul, as well as to other cities where Paul had established churches.  Paul’s short letter to Titus is similar in tone to what he wrote in his first letter to Timothy, and provides instructions on pastoring Christ’s church.  He also gives Titus instruction on choosing elders and pastors, and how the older believers (who are mature in Christ) should contribute to the instruction of younger Christians.  He also warns Titus to guard against those who would bring divisions into the church, and people who insist on arguing about their own interpretation of spiritual things, who should be rejected from having access or influence in the church.

Calvary Belmar