2 Corinthians 5-9

However, he also tells them that there was a personal struggle that was going on in himself, since he knew that it would be far more pleasant if he were to die, and then be in the presence of Christ thereafter.  He knew that all things would be perfect when he was with Jesus in eternity, but he also acknowledged that the timing was not yet right for him to die, as he still had more unbelievers to preach to before God had destined for him to die.

As he often wrote about the critical importance of faith towards God in Christ, he reminds the Corinthians that “we walk by faith, and not by sight”, knowing that our primary aim is to please the One Who has called us into His service.  Like he did in 1 Corinthians 3, Paul reminds them again that every person must stand before Jesus at the Judgement Seat of Christ, to receive the Lord’s recognition and rewards for service to Him in this life.

Paul warns the Corinthians against partnerships with unbelievers, indicating the need to remain unentangled with people of this world.

Titus had visited Corinth on Paul’s behalf, and he brought back much good news for his rejoicing and comfort.  He tells them how happy he is that they had made changes following his first letter, which he had worried was too strong.  He also reminds them of the ongoing collection of money that will go to the needy believers in Jerusalem, as the time was approaching for it to be taken to Judea, and he was going to send someone through Corinth to pick it up.

Calvary Belmar