1 Peter
While Paul was considered the apostle to the Gentiles, Peter has been called the apostle of the circumcision, with his evangelical focus primarily on Jews. This epistle is not specifically written to either Jews or Gentiles, but to the many believers who had been dispersed throughout the Roman empire. It is a general epistle, in that it provides instruction and doctrine to all believers, and was not written to address specific issues or questions in any given church. It is generally believed to have been written in the mid-60s AD, maybe 5-6 years before the destruction of Jerusalem and the temple.
He tells his readers to be patient in their persecutions, which was the cause of so many having to flee from Jerusalem, and other Roman cities, and which will prove to their benefit when they stand before Jesus.
Peter urges all of us to live as strangers in this world, since we belong to the kingdom of Christ in heaven, where we will be welcomed and honored in that day. This means that we do not become attached to the things and ways of this world, seeking to serve the Lord Jesus Christ in what we say and do. Always be ready to tell others about the good things God has done for you. Maintain an attitude of likemindedness with Christ, being willing to suffer in this life for His Name, since He did so for us without reservation.
Leaders (Pastors, Teachers, and Elders) are instructed to lead just like the Good Shepherd, Who gave Himself for the flock, and loved us all.
Everyone is admonished to resist the devil, and he will run away - this is most effectively done with scripture, just as Jesus quoted the word of God to satan in the wilderness trial.