Hebrews 5:11-9:28

There is an expectation that believers grow into spiritual maturity, and remain faithful in their Christian walk throughout the remainder of their lives.  The writer continues in chapter 7 with his commentary on how Jesus fulfilled the prophecy of David (Psalm 110:4), in being the priest of God after the order of Melchizedek, making Him God’s priest and king for all men.  It is shown how Melchizedek’s priesthood was superior to the first Jewish High Priest Aaron, in that Aaron (effectively) tithed to Melchizedek when he was still in the loins of Abraham.  The writer of Hebrews also points out the fact that there were no men in Israel’s history who were both priest and king, as those positions descended from different patriarchs (Levi for the priests, and Judah for the kings), but they are brought together in the One Christ.

In chapter 8 the writer quotes from Jeremiah 31:31, where God had promised to institute a new covenant, where the laws of God would be written upon the hearts of men.  This new covenant was initiated by Jesus on the night He was betrayed, when He told His disciples that in His blood the new covenant (contract with God) was established.  This new covenant made the rules and regulations of the old law obsolete, however in no way did it eliminate any of God’s law.  It showed that man was not able to keep his part of the old law, and only through the work of Jesus Christ’s sacrifice could forgiveness be achieved, and men could be reconciled with God.

In chapter 9 it is shown that men have been given direct access to God, through the shed blood and broken body of Jesus Christ, which was demonstrated when the temple veil was ripped in two by God at the moment Jesus died on the cross.  That veil had separated men from having access to the presence of God, but now it is gone, and anyone can freely go to Him in the righteousness of Jesus Christ.

Calvary Belmar