Deuteronomy 29 - 31:29
The Lord also tells the people that when they pervasively disobey, He will allow their enemies to take them captive in foreign lands, and when they later repent He will bring them back to the good land He is giving them.
I call heaven and earth as witnesses today against you, that I have set before you life and death, blessing and cursing; therefore choose life, that both you and your descendants may live
- Deuteronomy 30:19 NKJV
It is this same call today for every person, who is able to choose between life and death - choose life!
Moses is 120 years old, and God calls him and Joshua to appear before His Presence, where Joshua is inaugurated to succeed Moses in leading the nation of Israel. Moses also gives to the Levites the written book of the law, which was the Pentateuch, or the first 5 books of the Bible. God then gives Moses a song, with instructions for him to give that song to all of Israel.
As God commanded in Deuteronomy 31:30, Moses taught that song to the people, so that they would remember it in years to come when they find themselves abandoned in slavery among foreign nations, and God would hear them and answer.
Moses also declares his blessings upon the tribes of Israel, and then goes up to Mount Nebo, where the Lord shows him the promised land from afar. Moses dies at 120 years of age, and the Lord Himself buries Moses near that place. Joshua is presumed to have penned the final 2 chapters of this book, declaring the final words of Moses, and recounting his death.