Proverbs 30-31 | Psalm 127

30 - The words of Agur. We know nothing of this man, or his ancestry, so we can only know him through his words. Agur does not think very much of his own wisdom and understanding, yet there is much to be gleaned from this chapter that he wrote. Verse 4 is prophetic if Jesus in several ways, including the declaration that God has a Son!

31 - This chapter is attributed to King Lemuel, which relate the things he learned from his wise mother. We don’t know who this man is, as scholars suggest he is Hezekiah or Solomon, and others think he was a king in Babylon during the Chaldean captivity. He is first instructed by her in wise leadership, and is cautioned against indiscretion and foolish indulgence, which every wise king needs to know and practice. She then praises the characteristics of a wise wife, and how her value far exceeds riches and wealth.

Psalm 127 - Children are a blessing from the Lord! Unless the Lord does a thing, men labor in vain…

Unless the LORD builds the house, They labor in vain who build it; Unless the LORD guards the city, The watchman stays awake in vain.
- Psalm 127:1 NKJV

Calvary Belmar