Isaiah 9-12

9 - In the first part of this chapter God promises to bring the nations who walk in darkness into the light, and then tells of the child that will be born, Whose government will be without end, and Who will establish His throne on David’s throne in Jerusalem, and bring peace forever. The remainder of this chapter predicts the judgements that God will bring against Israel.

10 - God declares judgement upon the Assyrian, who greatly exceeded the Lord’s intended discipline on Israel. A remnant of Israel will survive the Assyrian, and return to the land, and God will destroy those who abused Israel. This is a dual prophecy concerning Israel - both following the days of Isaiah, as well as in the last days, when one who is called “the Assyrian” will seek to destroy the Jews entirely.

11-12 - At the end of the age the Lord will gather His people together in the land of Israel, and everything will be changed. Even the wolf and the lamb will be at peace together, and children will safely play with serpents who were formerly deadly. All the nations will look to Jesus as king in Jerusalem.

Calvary Belmar