Isaiah 58-62
The people in Israel were trying to find ways of appeasing God, and they thought that fasting and self-denial were ways to please Him. Yet the Lord tells them that He will be far more pleased with their fasts if they show mercy upon those who need help, provide food for the hungry, and share with those who have less. The fast of the Lord is to break oppressions.
59 - The Lord will turn a deaf ear to the prayers of the wicked, and those who persist in harboring sin in their hearts towards other people. The Lord saw that there was no righteousness in the earth, and He therefore put on righteousness for men in Jesus Christ.
60 - This chapter describes the glorious reign of the Messiah in Israel, and how the whole world will bless Him and Israel in that day. We know from Revelation 21 that this prophecy will be fulfilled after the judgement of God upon satan, yet in the days of Jesus everyone was looking for Him to fulfill it in their day.
61 - In Luke 4:18-19 Jesus quotes the first verse, and half of the second verse of this chapter, telling those in the synagogue in Nazareth that they were witnessing the fulfillment of this prophecy. He did not quote the second half and beyond, which tells of the Day of the Lord, when He will judge the earth, and bring restoration to Zion.
62 - There is a future glory coming in Israel, when all things will be restored. God says in verses 6-7 that He has placed His watchmen to pray day and night, who will not be silent before Him until all He has planned is accomplished.