2 Kings 15:1-7 | 2 Chronicles 26 | Amos 1-4

Uzziah became king in Judah at the age of 16, and reigned for 52 years, during which time there was great prosperity and honor in Judah among all the nations around them. Uzziah was largely a very good king, however, in his later years he allowed pride to creep into his heart as a consequence of all of his accomplishments and conquests. He took it upon himself to try and burn incense before God in the temple, and the Lord struck him with leprosy, so that he was forced to be quarantined for the remainder of his life, and his son acted in his place as judge in the land until he died.

Amos was a sheepherder and orchard laborer in Tekoa when God called him to prophesy in Israel and Judah. He spoke the word of the Lord during the days of Uzziah (in Judah) and Jeroboam II (in Israel). He declared the justice of God, Who had dealt faithfully in bringing judgement upon the surrounding nations of Syria, Gath (Philistines), Edom, and Ammon, and then upon Israel and Judah. God pointed out through Amos that if He dealt justice to the ungodly pagans around them, how much more would He punish His own people of Israel and Judah when they willfully transgressed His commands!

Calvary Belmar