Zechariah 7-8 | Ezra 6:14-22 | Psalm 78

In Zechariah 7-8 a group of men inquired of the Lord regarding some days of fasting that they had observed in Babylon, but God tells them that He never commanded such fasts, and He preferred to see them exhibit hearts of kindness and compassion towards each other.  God is telling them that empty religious practices are worthless before Him.  He promises to rebuild His temple, and make Zion a place that many people desire, but He expects His people to rightly represent Him in treating others with righteousness and honesty in all interactions.

The exiles completed the building of the temple in the 6th year of king Darius of Persia, and it was re-dedicated to the Lord with sacrifices and offerings, and again celebrated the Passover in the first month on their calendar.

Psalm 78 recounts the history of God’s faithfulness to Israel, even though they continually failed to remain faithful to Him.  In spite of their persistent unfaithfulness, God did not destroy them, and He was quick to forgive them when they turned to Him in repentance.  Just like He promised, the Lord brought back the peoples to Israel, and all of His promises will likewise be fulfilled exactly as He has said in the future.

Calvary Belmar