Zecheriah 9-14

9 - The Lord will triumph over all the nations around Israel, and in this prophecy of Zechariah we also see the prediction of Christ riding into Jerusalem on a donkey.

10 - In the last days the Lord will bring back all of His people to the land, and strengthen them to greatness in His Name.

11 - Before the last days there will be judgement upon Israel, which we’ve seen severely happen in the past 1900 years.  This chapter also includes a prophecy concerning Judas, and the 30 pieces of silver he took, and how it was later used to buy the potter’s field.  The worthless shepherd described at the end of this chapter speaks of the anti-christ in the last days

12 - In the last days many nations of the world will come together to fight against Jerusalem, but the Lord will defend His own

13 - There will be times of great trouble for Israel in the last days, but the Lord will save a remnant for Himself

14 - In the end, the Lord will return to the earth and do battle with the enemies of His people.  He will establish His throne in Jerusalem, and all the nations of the world will come to worship Him there.

Calvary Belmar