Ezra 7-8

We now see Ezra enter the narrative, many years after the first return of Jews from Babylon, in the days of Artaxerxes Longimanus, who issued the decree to rebuild Jerusalem.  This decree also triggered the beginning of the prophetic countdown that was written by Daniel (9:25-26), which predicts 483 years until the appearing of the Messiah, when Jesus rode into Jerusalem on a donkey in April of 32 AD.  Ezra was a priest, and a descendant of the High Priest in Israel, but not the High Priest.

The king gave Ezra a letter of authorization, as well as a great deal of money and valuables to take to Jerusalem, along with all Jews who were willing to return to Israel under his leadership.  The money and valuables were distributed into the hands of 12 priests, who swore responsibility for their part until it was delivered to the temple priests in Jerusalem.  The trip took 5 months, and the Lord provided them all the protection they needed along the way.

Calvary Belmar