Nehemiah 11-13

Nehemiah oversaw all of this revival in Judah and Israel as the king’s Governor over the land, and made sure that everything was in proper order.  There were people chosen by lot to live in Jerusalem, while 90% of the people lived in their own cities in Judah and Benjamin.  The people were chosen by lot to bring provisions to Jerusalem for the priests and Levites, and to give their tithes to the temple for their upkeep, and the care of the temple.  He also oversaw the dedication of the fully constructed walls of Jerusalem, and then after 12 years in Israel he returned to Persia to serve the king, as he had promised before he left.

However, after further time in Persia Nehemiah hears bad things from Israel, so he goes back to investigate, and discovers that the people are already going back on the things they had promised in writing.  They were not bringing tithes and provisions to the temple.  They were intermarrying with the pagan gentiles around them.  They were allowing ungodly gentiles into the temple.  They were working and doing business on the Sabbath, etc…. Nehemiah strongly reprimanded the people for their disobedience to God, and again worked to put things back in order.

Calvary Belmar