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Register to join us on a Sunday morning

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What does it mean to love God and to love each other as we engage…

Hello Calvary Belmar Family! As we navigate re-opening and worshipping together lets make sure we all abide in Christ. I have received communication from your fellow brothers and sisters with comments from “why did we even close in the first place, what about our first amendment rights?!” to “it will be a while before I return, I am high risk and am afraid”. So as we reopen, we need to think about others first and foremost.
Truly abiding in Christ. Loving God and loving others.
Loving God by staying focused on Him and His word especially now and loving people by doing our best to keep them safe and at peace. I challenge you to step it up… and to be strong in the Lord and the power of His might. Thinking of others greater than yourself… I am looking forward to seeing you all and worshipping together! I really do miss your face!
May our faith be seen and God be glorified!
Pastor Scott

Children's Ministry will not be open. Families will sit together if it’s too difficult to bring your younger children, we will still be live streaming the services.
If you are in a high risk category, please continue to attend online. If you would like a personal visit from the staff or leadership team, please let us know.
If you are sick at all, (fever, cough, etc.) please continue to attend online until you are symptom free for at least 14 days.
If you have been exposed to someone who has or is being tested for COVID-19 in the last 14 days, please continue to watch from home.

In order to comply with state and CDC mandates:

Tickets will be required to attend. Please look at service dates and times, as well as choosing the number of family members that will attend with you. Each person attending requires their own ticket.
Print Ticket out or have the email ready to show when entering the seating area.
Seats will be arranged so that social distancing can occur.
Please sit together with all members in your family, but leaving at least 3 seats (6’) between your family and others.
Please do not move the chairs. Let a volunteer or staff member know if you can't find a place to accommodate your family. We can make adjustments for you.
Masks are required. Please bring your own mask.
Please follow directions from team members on where and when to enter and exit the seating areas. We will be releasing people from the seating areas by rows.
Please note the only restroom access will be in the office.
Unfortunately, fellowship before and after service will not be allowed in the building or exterior seating area. We know you are excited to be here, and we are so happy to have you back, but additional cleaning measures will need to be taken between services.
No coffee, tea, water or snacks will be served. Please feel free to bring your own.

May 31

Curbside Prayer

July 24

Tanalian Bible Camp: Alaska Mission