FAM January Newsletter

Hello FAM Volunteers!

Happy New Year!  I hope this email finds you well.  As we begin 2023, Nate and I are very

excited about what God is doing with FAM. 

We will start the year with a Kids Night Out on Saturday, January 28th.  We will be showing

Zootopia, with crafts and dinner.  WE NEED VOLUNTEERS!!  Unlike FAM events in the past,

all volunteers need to be background checked, this is due to the nature of the event where adults

will be dropping their children off.  Events such as the Project 1.27 Christmas Party didn't need

background checks because the children's adults were with them.  If you are interested in

volunteering for Kids Night Out please register online at


If you have not done so in the past, please fill out a Servants Application online as well, this will

begin the background check process.  That application can be found at



Registration to Volunteer for Kids Night Out will be open until January 18th in order to

prepare for the event on January 28th. 

WRAP Teams

In 2023 we will be launching our WRAP Teams for our foster/adoptive families within Foothills

Calvary.  If you interested in learning more reach out with any questions or if you would like to

join a team.  More to come in the New Year! 

Thank you for serving!

In His Name,

Falon and Nate Simmons

Calvary Belmar