FAM May Newsletter

FAM Prayer Points

- Praise Report!! We had a successful Kids Night Out on April 22 nd with 26 kids and 17 volunteers!

- Praise Report!! Megan adopted her daughter Zion officially in November and she was dedicated

last Sunday. Zion turned 1 this week!

 -Pray for our Foothills Calvary foster/adoptive families – that they have wisdom and discernment

as they parent the children in their families and for peace, endurance, and strength as they

continue their journey loving on kids from tough places.

- Pray that children in foster care feel safe, loved, and a sense of belonging in their foster homes,

schools, churches, and community.

 -Pray for the caseworkers, judges, lawyers, therapists, teachers, and those working to support

kids and families within Jefferson County. May they have the strength, compassion, and wisdom

to do what’s best for these families.

May is Foster Care Awareness Month!

During the month of May FAM along with other community partners will be bringing awareness to the

need for foster and adoptive parents in Jefferson County. If you are interested or would like more

information about becoming a foster or adoptive family, please reach out to FAM. Nate and Falon are

former foster parents and can answer questions you may have.

We work with two organizations that do certifications/licensure: Project 1.27 and The Collaborative

Foster Care Program (CFCP).

If you are called to foster or adopt, you won’t do the walk alone - FAM and the Foothills Calvary

community will be there for support along the way. Please prayerfully consider opening your home up

to vulnerable children.

Foster Care Awareness Fundraisers in the Area

Supporting those is foster care and their families is a community-wide effort. We have found two

organizations that are fundraising this month to support kids in foster care. If you happen to go to

either Wendy’s or a Rockies game, consider going when you can also help raise money for kids in foster


1. Collaborate Foster Care Program Rockies Game (CFCP) May 28 th 1pm  ($32 tickets - $5 per

ticket come back to the CFCP) Buy tickets here: https://rockies.com/cfcp [rockies.com]

2. Wendy’s Dave Thomas Foundation for Adoption –Make A Biggie Difference This May

fundraiser. From their website:

“During National Foster Care Month, a simple scan can make a biggie difference. Wendy’s is

inviting fans to ‘Make a Biggie Difference’ for children in foster care by simply scanning a

specially marked ‘Make a Biggie Difference’ QR code on select Wendy’s bags May 1-31. With

every scan, Coca-Cola® and Dr Pepper® will donate $5 to the Foundation, up to $500,000.* Make

an impact by placing an order at participating Wendy’s restaurants nationwide today!”

For more information - https://www.wendys.com/blog/how-wendys-supports-national-foster-


FAM Launch of WRAP TEAM!!

After much prayer and trust in God’s timing we are ready to launch our WRAP Ministry for our families

here at Foothills Calvary. Please be on the lookout for a WRAP Team email next week for more


Save the Date! Next Kids Night Out – Saturday, July 15 th from 5-8pm

Our next Kids Night Out will be a Game Theme, we will have sports games in the gym as well as board

games in the lobby. We will also have dinner and a movie like always. These events are a huge success

thanks to the support of the FAM team! We appreciate the donation of supplies as well as the donation

of time for the event. Stay tuned for more information!

Calvary Belmar