Week 3 - Genesis 36-50; Job 1-3
The large portion of the last 15 chapters of Genesis recount the story of Joseph and how the Israelites ended up in Egypt. One thing that I learned from the story of Joseph is that he was constantly treated unfairly. But, he never doubted God. He trusted that God would use evil and turn it for good. And thus, the seed of Abraham was preserved as Jacob’s family was saved from the famine when they moved to Egypt.
Genesis 37 - we are introduced to a teenage Joseph, who is already receiving
dreams from God. All of his older brothers hate him, and they conspire to get rid
of him - first thinking to murder him, and then selling him into slavery to the
Ishmaelites (their relatives). Jacob is devastated when he is led to believe that
Joseph is dead.
Genesis 39-40 - Joseph was mistreated, kidnapped, and sold into slavery by
his brothers, and then suffers injustice and imprisonment for 13 years in Egypt,
yet the Lord was with him and blessed him, in spite of these things.
Genesis 41-42
After 13 years in Egypt, Joseph is promoted from prison to being the Prime
Minister in one day, after he interpreted the dreams God gave the king, that
predicted 7 years of incredible bounty, and then 7 years of extreme famine.
In the early years of the famine Jacob sends 10 of his sons to buy grain in
Egypt, where they unknowingly meet up with Joseph. Joseph gives them grain,
but keeps Simeon as hostage against their returning with Benjamin, when they
come to buy grain again.
Genesis 41-42
After 13 years in Egypt, Joseph is promoted from prison to being the Prime
Minister in one day, after he interpreted the dreams God gave the king, that
predicted 7 years of incredible bounty, and then 7 years of extreme famine.
In the early years of the famine Jacob sends 10 of his sons to buy grain in
Egypt, where they unknowingly meet up with Joseph. Joseph gives them grain,
but keeps Simeon as hostage against their returning with Benjamin, when they
come to buy grain again.
Genesis 43-45
In a very dramatic story, Joseph is reunited with his brothers, and invites all of
his family (father, brothers, and their families) to live under his protection and
provision in Egypt.
Genesis 46-47
Jacob, and all of his sons, their wives, their children, and all their possessions
are moved to Egypt, where they would live for the next 430 years, just as God
had told Abraham (Genesis 15:13).
Job 1-3
Job was a righteous man who loved and feared God, yet the Lord allowed
satan to bring great devastation upon him in one day, when all of his wealth was
wiped out, and his children slain. All that happened to Job was allowed by God,
and satan was still restrained from bringing total destruction upon him.
Remember the testimony of God regarding Job in verses 1:8 and 2:3 when
you read the slander and logic that follows in this book from Job’s three friends,
as well as from Elihu in chapters 32-37 (who is not a friend) - God alone knew
Job’s heart.
Also note in this book that the primary question of Job (“Why did all this
happen?”) is never answered.