Week 2 - Genesis 20-35
I hope that all of you that are following along are being blessed by reading through God’s word. As we continue through Genesis, the thought that comes to my mind is this; even though the characters in the Old Testament (Abraham, Isaac, Jacob) continue to make mistakes, God intervenes. He has a plan to preserve the seed that he told even will crush the serpent. He has a plan to fulfill his promises to Abraham and accomplish HIS purpose.
Here are some thoughts from this week:
Genesis 22 - One of the greatest prophetic stories in the Bible, where the
father (figuratively) sacrifices his only son, and receives him back alive 3 days
after receiving the command from God. This all took place on Mt Moriah, where
God’s Only Son would be sacrificed almost 2,000 years later, and rise from the
dead on the 3 rd day. Abraham knew that God’s promises through Isaac could not
fail, and he knew that God had to raise him from the dead if he was going to be
sacrificed in that place.
Genesis 31 - After 20 years Jacob flees from Laban, but even in his fear God
intervened to protect him from harm
Genesis 32 - After 20 years Jacob is still terrified of his brother, which is
multiplied when he learns that Esau is going to meet him with an army of men.
God wrestles with Jacob, but He does so in order to bless him, after bringing
him to the end of himself. God blesses him with a new name, which means “God
prevails”, in place of his old name, which is not good