Week 1 - Genesis 1-19
Here are some thoughts on the first 19 chapters of Genesis. We hope that you were blessed by reading this section of God’s word.
If you believe Genesis 1:1, you should have no problem with everything that follows in the entire Bible. The magnitude of Genesis 1:26 is immeasurable, as God understood the entire scope and history of mankind before He said “let Us make man in Our image, and what that decision would cost Him! In Genesis 2:7, note the uniqueness of man, compared to every other creature God made - man was formed of the same stuff that everything else was made, but it was only into man that He breathed life (the word is plural in the Hebrew, indicating eternal life).
Genesis 3 is the seed plot of the entire Bible. Adam refused to obey the simplest of God’s laws, and condemned all of his descendants to inherit a nature to sin, and to all suffer death. But God, in verse 15 already knew what He would do to rescue His masterpiece, and promised that the “Seed” of Eve would ultimately crush the head of satan.
Genesis 6:9-9:29
According to the genealogies in Genesis 5-6, the flood occurred 1,656 years after Adam and Eve were made.
In Genesis 6:5 (before the flood), and in 8:21 (after the flood), God observes that the thoughts and intents of every man’s heart is evil continually
In Genesis 8:4 the ark came to rest on Mt Ararat on the 17th day of the 7th month, which was also the 3rd day after the future passover, as the 7th month became the 1st month in Exodus 12:1-2. Thus the ark came to rest on the same day our Lord was raised from the dead, only 2,400 years earlier.
Genesis 10-11
Genesis 10 is unique in the annals of ancient writings, in that it stands alone in listing the origins of every nation on the earth. The 70 listed descendants of Ham, Shem, and Japheth can be traced as the forefathers of the world’s nations.
Genesis 12-14
The Old Testament is the story of the nation of Israel, and is founded in the promise of God to bless Abraham with countless descendants.
Genesis 15-17
Abraham is the spiritual father of all who place their faith in God, as he is the first to be declared righteous because he believed what God told him (Gen 5:6)
Genesis 18-19
Genesis 18:25 - “Shall not the Judge of all the earth do right?” - Always!
As we read the first several chapter of Genesis it is important to remember that this sets the stage for everything else that happens in the Bible. The rest of the Bible answers the question; how is God going to remain faithful to his promise?