Romans 9-11

Paul takes a 3 chapter departure to talk about the condition of Israel before God, as it was a burning question among Christian Jews at that time - “if the Jews rejected the Messiah, God’s Son, has God rejected the Jews?”  Paul provides a resounding “NO” to this question in these 3 chapters, and confidently tells us that God will be faithful to save a remnant of Jews before He comes to judge the world.  The Jews are not saved because of a different covenant, as Jesus Christ is the only way to God, but a remnant of them will turn and accept Jesus as their Messiah during the great tribulation at the end of the age.

There is no scriptural basis for anti-semitism, yet it has been a cancer within some of the Christian church for more than 1,500 years.  Some of the Christian church fathers taught that God had rejected the Jews for killing Jesus, and they deserved to be wiped out as God’s judgement upon them.  There were many christian churches who cooperated with the Nazi’s during world war 2, even though there were many other Christians who gave their lives trying to protect the Jews.  Anti-semitism is from the devil, who tries to thwart the plan of God by eliminating the Jews, however God will protect a remnant throughout remaining human history, and they will turn to Him in faith at the end.


Romans 12-15


Romans 7-8