Romans 12-15
In light of all that God has done, Paul says it is a reasonable thing for us to serve God with our entire being, with a willingness to die for Him, and a commitment to living for Him as separate from the world. He will transform us into the image of Jesus Christ if we allow His Spirit’s work in us to succeed. Love God and each other like Jesus first loved us, and work to be a peace with everyone. Be in subjection to our governing authorities, let love be the measure we apply to all people, and do not behave like those in this world.
Do not judge one another over the things they believe or do, but provide them with a godly example. It is foolish to think that righteousness is bound up in rules of behavior, like what we eat or drink, or the day we worship God on, since righteousness can only be found in Jesus, and in following His simple examples of serving others in God’s love. We are to bear one another’s burdens, and build each other up in Christ.