2 Kings 2-4

The time of Elijah’s prophetic ministry came to an end, and all the prophets knew that God was going to take him away on a particular day. His servant Elisha stuck to him like glue, and requested a double portion of Elijah’s spirit upon his departure. The mantle of Elijah fell to Elisha as he was being taken into heaven. God spoke through Elisha in mighty ways, and throughout his prophetic ministry there were twice the recorded miracles that Elijah had done. Israel and Judah go to war against the Edomites, and God miraculously provides water for their armies at the word of Elisha, and they realize a great victory over Edom.

A woman of Shunem kind of adopts Elisha, and provides a place for him to stay when he passes through their town. At the word of Elisha, she has a son in her old age, and then later raises the boy from the dead. At the end of 2 Kings 4 Elisha feeds a large number of people with only a small number of barley loaves, prefiguring at least one of Christ’s miracles.

Calvary Belmar