2 Kings 5-7

The Syrian general Naaman was afflicted with leprosy, and he went to Elisha in Samaria to be healed. Elisha didn’t even meet with Naaman, but sent his servant out to tell him to wash 7 times in the Jordan River to be cleansed. Naaman was seriously offended, but his servants convinced him to obey, and he was healed of his leprosy. Elisha refused to take anything in payment, but his servant Gehazi fell prey to greed, and went after Naaman to get some new clothes and a little bit of silver. For his transgression, the leprosy of Naaman fell upon him - what a tragic story of the futility of wealth!

The king of Syria sought to attack Israel, but God spoke multiple times through Elisha to warn the king of Israel. The Syrians sent an army to take and kill Elisha, but that didn’t work out as they had planned. They then laid siege against Israel, and there was no food left for people to eat, but Elisha prophesied of God’s victory over the Syrians, which came about as he said. In spite of king Jehoram’s wickedness, God remained faithful to Israel, and continually helped in providing and protecting them.

Calvary Belmar